Russian translation of the METS standard by the Presidential Library available on the website of the Library of Congress

30 April 2019

The website of the Library of Congress ( provides Russian translation of the METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard), implemented by the Presidential Library.

The METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) is a data encoding and transmission specification, expressed in XML, created by the Digital Library Federation (DLF). METS allows conveying full information about a digital object: what files the object consists of, where these files are placed, how they interact, what metadata relate to the object and its components, what are the conditions for using a digital object.

So far, METS is widely used by digital libraries and archives abroad for storing data on digital objects and exchanging libraries between individual digital objects and digital collections in general.

The METS documentation has been translated into Russian by specialists of Presidential Library with the permission of the METS Editorial Board. Under the terms of the agreement, the Presidential Library has translated the following documents: “METS Overview and Tutorial”, “METS Primer“, METS Schema” and “METS Schema Documentation”. All these documents are included in the collection "Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS): [translated from English / Digital Library Federation; head of the working group on translation Y. G. Selivanova]. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2018”, which are available free on the Presidential Library's Internet portal (