The holiday of the Russian word held in Tashkent

8 May 2019

On May 6, 2019 the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Tashkent summed up the results of the republican contests “The World of the Russian Word - 2019” and “The Russian Language in My Life”.

The event, which was attended by students of secondary schools, academic lyceums and colleges of Tashkent, as well as the cities of Yangiyul, Doustabad, Almalyk, Chinaz, Zarafshan and Nukus (Republic of Karakalpakstan), has been organized by the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Tashkent Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature and Russian cultural center of Uzbekistan.

The head of the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Uzbekistan Viktor Shulika and the chairman of the Russian Cultural Center of Uzbekistan Sergey Mironov addressed the audience with welcoming words. They noted the importance of the development of the Russian language in the Republic of Uzbekistan as a means of interethnic communication.

Contest events “The World of the Russian Word - 2019” were held in two stages. The first stage was the remote writing of an essay on one of the topics: “I love the Fatherland, but with strange love ...”, “The word as a source of happiness”, “On the manifestation of the moral principle in history, in life, in destiny”, “The Greatest Son of Russia. Pushkin is our everything”, “I would like to know how long ago the work gives value”, “Books, like people, have their own destiny, their character”. The second stage was held in person. The guys took part in testing for knowledge of the Russian language and reading by heart the works of Russian classics.

The qualifying test of the “Russian language in my life” contest was also an essay, with some of the works surprised the jury-qualified by their originality of ideas and presentation.

Following the results of the contests, all participants received certificates, and the winners received diplomas and a trip to our country under the program “Hello, Russia!”.

The Presidential Library’s portal features the Russian Language collection, dedicated to the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation. It includes manuscripts and publications of monuments of Russian literature, archival files, research papers (including abstracts of dissertations and these), dictionaries and reference books, textbooks of various types and levels. The digital collection “Russian Language” is of interest to representatives of the academic and educational community, linguists, specialists in the promotion of the Russian language on the Internet, as well as a wide range of users who love and appreciate their native language. 

Based on materials of