Video lecture “Mysteries of a Genius: Do We Know Pushkin?” held in the Presidential Library

24 May 2019

On May 24, 2019, the Knowledge of Russia video lecture and a classical music concert timed to the 220th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Pushkin were held in the conference hall of the Presidential Library.

Lecture “Mysteries of a Genius: Do We Know Pushkin?” was delivered by Galina Sedova, Head of the Alexander Pushkin Memorial Museum-Apartment in St. Petersburg, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, who presented the results of Pushkin’s many years research into philosophical and religious views of the poet, the era that shaped his character and worldview. Special attention was paid to the modern reading of Pushkin's artistic discoveries.

The second part of the event is a concert of classical music for the works of Alexander Pushkin with the participation of the St. Petersburg-Concert philharmonic soloist, laureate of international competitions of mezzo-soprano Natalia Krivyonok.