The Sverdlovsk Regional Center of the Presidential Library held a master class in reading handwritten texts

18 June 2019

The Sverdlovsk Regional Center of the Presidential Library based on the Belinsky Sverdlovsk Regional Universal Research Library holds a master class on reading handwritten texts from the collections of the Presidential Library in conjunction with the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture.

Many centuries of the existence of Russian culture were reflected in Cyrillic manuscripts, which are the most important historical source. What are the features of a handwritten Cyrillic book? What materials and in what ways were the manuscripts made? How the letter of our ancestors changed, were the notes of ancient Russian music recorded? The researcher at the laboratory of archaeographic research at the Ural Federal University, Ph.D. in History, Anna Antonovna Mikheeva, answered all these questions as part of the master class.

Examples to illustrate theses were taken from the materials of the Presidential Library: now doing with manuscripts from the electronic collections will be made easier for users. Also, participants of the master class were able to touch the book monuments - manuscripts from the collections of the department of rare books of the Belinsky Library.

The Presidential Library’s portal features the collection “Sverdlovsk Region: Pages of History”. It contains electronic copies of studies, essays and photographs of the XIX - early XX century. The materials introduce the geographical, demographic, socio-economic and socio-political aspects of the history of the region. 

Based on materials of portal.