Debates on environmental issues held at the Tomsk Regional Center of the Presidential Library

20 June 2019

The Tomsk Regional Center of the Presidential Library, based on the Pushkin Tomsk Regional Universal Research Library, held the debate on Eco-friendly.

The teams of first-year students of the specialties "Socio-cultural activity" and "Technique and art of photography" of the Tomsk Governor's College of Socio-Cultural Technologies and Innovations took part in the debates.

The staff of the center introduced the discussers to the informational and educational projects of the Presidential Library, and also presented a book exhibition on the ecology specially prepared for the event.

The subject of the debate were environmental issues. The first team defended the thesis “Man for the Planet”, the second - “The Planet for Man”, the arguments of both teams were quite convincing. As a result, the jury, consisting of teachers of the governor's college, announced the victory of two teams.

The Presidential Library’s portal features the collection “Tomsk Region: Pages of History”. It includes essays, statistical and cartographic materials, archive documents of the late XIX - early XX century, covering the demographic, geographical, socio-economic, socio-political and other aspects of the history of Tomsk Region as well as the current Charter of the region.


Based on materials of portal.