Meeting with representatives of leading Russian-language media in Armenia took place at the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Yerevan

19 June 2019

June 17, 2019, a meeting with editors-in-chief and journalists of Russian-language media in Armenia was held at the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Yerevan. The event was friendly in nature and was aimed at bringing together and discussing topical issues.

The activities of the Russian Center of Science and Culture are regularly covered in the press, representatives of the RCSC give media interviews, participate in press conferences and events, but such formats presuppose limited time and short answers. The idea of ​​having a conversation over a cup of tea was initiated by both parties, and as a result, participants expressed the wish that the new format would become a tradition.

The event sounded gratitude to journalists for supporting the Russian-Armenian friendship, highlighted the main directions of the work of the RCSC, the department heads shared their achievements on the work done and plans for the future.

One of the most urgent projects scheduled for the near future is the restoration of historical and cultural monuments and places of military glory “Russian trace”. The importance of the project from the point of view of patriotic education and the strengthening of Russian-Armenian friendship was also noted.

The meeting also raised the issue of the implementation of the RCSC project on the opening of Russian classes in Armenian schools. Another important event scheduled for autumn is the 10th anniversary of the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Yerevan.

The Presidential Library’s portal provides access to the collection “Russia - Armenia: the History of Relations”. It includes official documents, studies, reference books, archival files and graphic materials on diplomatic, military, legal, educational, cultural cooperation between Armenia and Russia. 

Based on materials of portal.