School of Vocational Adjustment and Career Aevelopment - for women of Kuzbass

16 July 2019

July 8-13, 2019, the Vocational Ddjustment and Career Development of Young Women School was held in the village of Berezovo, Kemerovo Region.

The event was attended by 60 library specialists of Kemerovo Region, including the chief librarian of the Kemerovo Regional Center of the Presidential Library Yekaterina Ulyanova.

The project implemented jointly with the autonomous non-profit organization supporting non-profit organizations Kuzbass Center “Initiative” and the Fedorov Kemerovo Regional Research Library, is addressed to women up to 36 years old, working in the field of culture of Kuzbass for less than three years, as well as women who have left to work after the leave to care for a child.

The teachers of the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture prepared for the participants lectures and business games aimed at working in a team, raising the corporate spirit and receiving emotional charge. The guests of the school were Lyubov Kazachenkova, Director General of the Modern Library Publishing Consulting Center (Moscow) and Director of the F. Dostoevsky Library, expert of the Presidential Grants Foundation Andrei Lisitsky (Moscow).

July 9, as part of the school, Yekaterina Ulyanova held a quest, in the course of which participants learned about the natural sights in Kuzbass, recalled the poems of their famous countryman, the poet Vasily Fedorov.

The Presidential Library’s portal features “Kemerovo Region: Pages of History” collection. It includes research, statistical materials and archive documents of the second half of the XIX - early XX century, which characterize the administrative, socio-economic, demographic and ethnographic position of the Mariinsky and Kuznetsk districts, the territory of which forms the basis of modern Kemerovo Region.

Based on materials of portal.