Commemorative events dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I in Minsk

5 August 2019

Round table “Forgotten War. World War I and its mark in the history of Belarus” was held at the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Minsk on August 1, 2019.

The event was attended by scientists, political figures, writers, museum workers, activists of Belarusian search clubs, representatives of veteran organizations.

Attention to the events of World War I in Belarus is not accidental: its territory has become one of the most bloody theaters of war. The roundtable participants discussed the causes and consequences of the large-scale armed conflict that forever changed Europe.

Research, journalism, official documents, archival materials, leaflets, fiction and visual materials about World War I are included in electronic collections of the Presidential Library. Since 2010, a center of remote access to the information resources of the Presidential Library has been opened here. The same centers are opened in Gomel and Brest.


Based on materials of the portal.