Bulgarian schoolchildren visited the Russian Cultural and Information Center in Sofia

12 August 2019

Primary schoolchildren and teachers at the Sofia University School visited the Russian Cultural Information Center in Sofia with a tour.

The visit took place as part of the thematic Russian week. Events dedicated to the Russian language, traditions, culture and history of our country are held annually during the summer holidays.

The center’s employees prepared an extensive program for schoolchildren: they visited the Signs of Liberty and Heroism exhibition dedicated to the liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman rule during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878, watched Russian cartoons in Russian, listened to songs performed by a pupil of the "Domisolka" studio, learned about Russian fairy tales and took part in a master class on making toys.

The children also found out that the library presented not only paper, but also electronic books in Russian: since 2017, the Remote Electronic Reading Room of the Presidential Library have been running at the Russian Information Center in Sofia. For example, primary schoolchildren will be interested to “look through” Murzilka and Kostyor issues of the legendary children's magazines. Those who are just starting to master the Russian language can refer to the historical publication "The ABC in Pictures", illustrations for which were made by the famous Russian artist A. N. Benois.

The Presidential Library’s collections also contain materials on relations between Russia and Bulgaria, including documents on the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. Among them are the studies “Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878”, “Actions of General Skobelev’s detachments in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78”, ““White General“ Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev”.


Based on materials of the http://bgr.rs.gov.ru/ru portal.