The Presidential Library to take part in the National Forum of Preschool Teachers
The National Forum of Preschool Teachers will be held on August 26, 2019 in Moscow. As part of it the Presidential Library and Russkoye Slovo (Russian Word) educational children’s book publisher will present a joint project. The workshop “Creating the Educational Multi-Environment for Alpha Generation: Resources of the Presidential Library and the Mosaic Park” will be also held as part of the forum.
Guests and participants of the forum will learn about the creation of hyperlinks in electronic history, social studies and literature textbooks to the Presidential Library’s materials and documents, and the opportunity to use them at schools and as part of the preschool education. Unique historical materials from the electronic collections and information on educational projects of the country's first electronic national library will be available at the Presidential Library’s special information desk.
In 2019 the forum will bring together more than 6,000 participants from all regions of Russia. Some of the speakers are: Deputy Chair of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science and Chair of Znaniye (Knowledge) Russian Society Lyubov Dukhanina, winner of the Kindergarten Teacher of the Year 2018 Contest Anastasia Shlemko, President of the Association for Improving the Quality of Preschool Education (ARKADO) Elfiya Dorofeeva.
The forum is organized by the International Pedagogical Academy of Preschool Education, the Association for Improving the Quality of Preschool Education, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Znaniye (Knowledge) Russian Society. The event will be held with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Presidential Grants Foundation, and the Russian Academy of Education.
Please send the applications for accreditation of journalists to media@mpado.ru - the email address of Inessa Grinchenko, press agent of the National Forum of Preschool Teachers, tel. + 7 905 751-01-08.