Interactive Olympiad for schoolchildren “Russia in the Electronic World”

26 September 2019

In 2019 the Presidential Library presents the 10th Russia in the Electronic World Interactive Olympiad in the Russian language, history and social studies, which is intended for schoolchildren. The Olympiad is free. The contest consists of several stages, two of them are held online.

On September 25, 2019 specialists of the Tomsk Regional Center of the Presidential Library visited the secondary school No. 30 to inform senior pupils about the contest. The educational event “The Wheel of History” - a quiz based on the questions of past Olympiad editions, was held in order to attract the attention of schoolchildren and generate their interest in the upcoming Olympiad. It was prepared by the center’s specialists.

During the warm-up activities the participants answered multiple choice questions. As part of next stages they relied just on their knowledge. After the end of the game children had an opportunity to ask questions about the content of the Olympiad, the conditions, dates and privileges. It should be noted that apart from extra points for the Unified State Exam’s results, the Olympiad provides a good opportunity for pupils to practice for final exams.

The collection Tomsk Region: Pages of History is available on the Presidential Library’s portal. The collection includes essays, statistic and cartographic materials, archival documents of the late 19th - early 20 centuries, which spotlight demographic, geographical, socio-economic, socio-political and other aspects of the history of Tomsk region. It also features the current charter of the region.

Based on the materials of portal.