Meeting concerning participation in the Electronic World Olympiad held in the Republic of Crimea

8 October 2019

October 1, 2019 an information and methodological meeting concerning the participation in the annual educational project of the Presidential Library Russia in the Electronic World was held at the Regional Center of Access to the Resources of the Presidential Library at the Franko Crimean Republican Universal Research Library with the support of the Information and Methodological Center of Simferopol.

The event participants were teachers of history and social studies of Simferopol schools. The head of the digital resources department, Irina Nizhnik, demonstrated the materials of the Olympiad pages on the Presidential Library’s portal, introduced examples of competitive assignments for 2018, told the teachers about the features of the Olympiad stages and the experience of the participants of the past years competition. Particular emphasis was placed on the fact that the winners and awardees of the competition will receive support from the Presidential Library as well as additional points when entering the most prestigious universities in Russia.

Republic of Crimea. Pages of History collection is available on the Presidential Library’s portal. It includes studies, essays, archival documents, photographs and other materials which spotlight the administrative, socio-economic, socio-political and cultural development of the peninsula from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century.

Based on the materials of portal.