Mikhail Lermontov (1814–1841) collection, dedicated to the 205th birthday of the poet, available to Penza schoolchildren

24 October 2019

October 15, 2019 in the framework of the All-Russian cultural and educational campaign "Cultural Marathon", specialists of the regional center of the Lermontov Penza Regional Library presented schoolchildren of Penza a collection of the Presidential Library Mikhail Lermontov (1814–1841), dedicated to the 205th anniversary of the great poet.

The collection contains materials that reveal the personality of a genius writer, his role in the cultural life of Russia.

In a practice-oriented lesson, schoolchildren studied all sections of the collection. The greatest attention was paid to ancient editions of the poet's texts. Thus in the first volume of the Complete Works of Mikhail Lermontov, published by the partnership of M. O. Wolf, the pupils got familiar with the biographical essay “Mikhail Lermontov”, V. Panov’s drawing “The Village of Tarkhany”, as well as illustrations by the artist V. A Polyakova.

The book of A. M. Skabichevsky Mikhail Lermontov, his life and literary career of the 1891 edition, features an autograph of the poem by Mikhail Lermontov; senior pupils were especially interested to see the handwriting of the great writer.

The section “Materials of the life and work of the poet” cover a variety of studies on the life and work of Lermontov; postcards and photographs depicting monuments to the poet; places associated with his name.

Reproductions of paintings and drawings by the great master of the word aroused great interest, since in the section “Paintings and Drawings of the Poet” Lermontov’s work as an artist was fully disclosed.

In addition, the guys learned about the Olympiad of the Presidential Library Russia in the Electronic World, which is held annually on history, social studies and the Russian language.

At the end of the event, tenth graders were shown rare books and materials from the exhibition “And this name will shine for us for many years”, selected by the workers of the regional center from among rare documents and book monuments.