John of Kronstadt: “Keep your faith, Russia…”

31 October 2019

October 31, 2019 marks 190 years of John of Kronstadt - one of the most revered canonized churchman. The Presidential Library provides access to an extensive collection of rare electronic books that highlight his great service to people for the salvation of human souls.

Provided works feature a large number of lifetime editions about the famous archpriest, about the search for the spiritual path, which forms the foundation in the life of every seeker. Rare editions of the 90s of the XIX century The Life and Works of Father John Sergius of Kronstadt, Archpriest of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Father John as a Shepherd-Philanthropist, Father John Among the People and a number of other books from the Presidential Library’s collections reflect his life and deeds.

John Sergiev was born in the village of Sura in Arkhangelsk province in a poor family. Thus, for example, V. P. Sokolov in the book O. John Sergiev of Kronstadt (1908) writes: "John was born unhealthy to such an extent that his parents did not hope that the boy would survive until the next day, and christened him on the night of his birth, giving him the name of John in honor of John of Rylsky. However, after the christening, the child’s health began to gradually recover”.

In 1839, John entered the Arkhangelsk parish school, which he graduated with brilliant results, and then continued his studies at the Arkhangelsk Theological Seminary and the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. After the ordination Father John was sent to Kronstadt.

Father John taught the law of God in various educational institutions of Kronstadt and continued to write books, teachings and instructions. The Presidential Library’s portal makes available a unique edition of The Complete Works of the Righteous of God John of Kronstadt in two volumes. Here you can also find the Manual on John Sergiev (Kronstadt) during the sacrament of repentance (1894).

A life filled with continuous labor and prayer showed extraordinary results. The priest's insight, his ability to anticipate events strengthened people's faith and instilled hope in moments of life’s trials, and often put such patients on their feet, whose weakness the doctors could not cope with.

In St. Petersburg, a young priest for the first time had to face people of the highest circle, including the royal family. Both Alexander III and Nicholas II believed Father John, respecting him for his high spiritual qualities. Thanks to this, Kronstadt received its main architectural landmark the Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Stavropegic Nicholas Naval Cathedral of the city of Kronstadt), the construction of which was actively sought by John.

Over time, the fame of the spiritual gifts of the clergyman, selflessness and help to the afflicted spread throughout Russia. In his memoirs Three times in Kronstadt near Father John A. I. Solovyov writes: "Thousands of people, people of different ranks and positions from different parts of vast Russia go to Kronstadt to Father John. The people are coming to see the priest, to receive a blessing from him, to strengthen himself with his prayer in a feeble and mournful life, to ask for advice and directions”.

To bring the Russian people closer to the true path of salvation, John of Kronstadt left his covenant: "Keep your faith, Russia, and the Church and the Orthodox Tsar, if you want to be firm".