CinemaLex film lecture launched at the Yugov Kurgan Regional Research Library

11 November 2019

CinemaLex film lecture hall at the Yugov Kurgan Regional Universal Research Library was created as part of the work with the Presidential Library.

The new association is designed to introduce the heritage of world and domestic cinema. In addition, it will become a platform for discussion and expression of one’s own opinion on the protection of human rights. Boris Shalyutin, Commissioner for Human Rights in Kurgan Region, became the curator and partner of the project.

The project is being held by a famous cultural expert and film expert Valery Alekseev. The first film that was viewed and discussed at the film lecture was Stanislav Govorukhin's The Voroshilov Sharpshooter based on Victor Pronin's novel Woman on Wednesdays.

The audience among which there were most students expressed their sympathies and antipathies to each hero and at the end of the film they shared their impressions of the film.