Classrooms named after Heroes of the Soviet Union - participants of the Great Patriotic War inaugurated in three schools of Armenia

25 December 2019

A solemn ceremony on the occasion of assigning classrooms the names of Heroes of the Soviet Union - participants of the Great Patriotic War - was held in several schools of Armenia.

Solemn events were held as part of the Ararat public organization program of the Armenian-Russian regional center for supporting democracy on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory with the goal of patriotic education of children in schools of the Republic of Armenia and careful attitude to the history of the Victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War.

The event was attended by school teachers, students, leaders and representatives of the local administration, education department of Ararat Region, guests of honor represented by the adviser to the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Armenia, the head of the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Yerevan Sergey Rybinsky, the head of the youth department and interregional cooperation of the RCSC Sose Martirosyan and the deputy head of the Russian language department of the RCSC Sona Sarajyan.

School directors Armen Kirakosyan, Tigran Babakhanyan, Narine Stepanyan welcomed the initiative and expressed gratitude to the Ararat community. In turn, Sergei Rybinsky emphasized the importance of preserving the historical memory of the undeniable role of the Soviet Union and the Soviet people in the Great Victory.

The guests visited open museums dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, watched a literary and musical composition about the stages of life of marshals of the USSR.

The Presidential Library’s portal features Memory of the Great Victory electronic collection. It includes official documents, photographs and newsreels, wartime newspapers, books, publications of a propaganda nature, collections of articles, biographies, testimonies of participants in military battles and rear workers, their personal documents and much more.

Only part of the materials from the electronic collections is freely available on the Presidential Library’s portal. The materials are available at the remote access centers worldwide. At the moment, the possibility of opening such a center at the RCSC in Yerevan is being considered.

Based on the materials of portal.