Electronic copies of publications provided by the Pushkin Omsk State Regional Research Library entered the Presidential Library’s collections

3 February 2020

Electronic copies of publications provided by Pushkin Omsk State Regional Research Library have entered The Territory of Russia collection, built up by the Presidential Library:

  1. III-rd party conference of the 12th name of the Sibrevkom of the infantry division of the Northern Military District, June 2–7, 1925 / Russian Communist Party (b). Omsk, 1925.43 p.
  2. IV-th party conference of the 12th name of the Sibrevkom of the rifle division of the Navy, October 10-14, 1925 / Russian Communist Party (b). Omsk, 1925. 54, [1] p.

Omsk Region: Pages of History collection is available on the Presidential Library’s portal. It studies, essays, reviews and reports, archival documents, visual media, audio and video materials which spotlight certain aspects of the socio-economic, socio-political and cultural development of Omsk Region from the period of the 18th to the second half of the 20th century, as well as the current Charter of Omsk Region.

Since 2009 the Presidential Library has been cooperating with Omsk Region, when the first remote access center was opened in the region at the Pushkin Omsk State Regional Research Library. Today the region includes two more centers of remote access to the resources of the Presidential Library: the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Omsk Auto-Armored Engineering Institute, a branch of the Military Academy of MTO.