Two centers of remote access to the resources of the Presidential Library opened in Pskov Region

8 February 2020

On February 7, 2020, the grand opening of two remote electronic reading rooms of the Presidential Library took place at the educational institutions in Opochka: the A. D. Petrov Gymnasium and the public school №4. The e-reading rooms were opened as part of the cooperation agreement that was concluded between the Presidential Library and the Education Center of the Opochetsk District.

The first deputy chairman of Pskov Region Education Committee Gennady Ivanovich Baryshnikov, the deputy head of the administration of the Opochetsk district Irina Evgenievna Lukyanovets, members of the educational community, local historians and deputies of the Opochetsk district took part in the opening ceremony of the reading rooms held at the A. D. Petrov Gymnasium.

In addition, unique documents from the electronic collection Pskov Region: Pages of History were provided. They are available on the institution’s portal. The collection of materials includes studies, essays, statistical and archival documents of the late XVIII - mid XX centuries, which spotlight the administrative, socio-economic, socio-political and cultural development of Pskov Region in various historical periods. 

Based on the materials of portal.