Films about Kamchatka and Sakhalin screened in London

10 March 2020

As part of the Cinema Club Russia project, organized jointly with the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Rossotrudnichestvo’s representative office in London presented the best examples of Russian film production of various genres and themes to residents and visitors of the British capital.

On the occasion of International Wildlife Day, which is celebrated on March 5, films “Kamchatka. In the middle of nowhere" and "Sakhalin. Life on the island" were shown.

Film by Maria Morgun “Kamchatka. In the middle of nowhere” shows the nature and features of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands. The film "Sakhalin. Life on the Island” is dedicated to the expedition of Nina Baklanova in Sakhalin Region. The film introduces the history of the development of the island with its indigenous inhabitants - Nivkhs, as well as sea inhabitants - gray whales.

The Presidential Library features Kamchatka Territory: Pages of History and Sakhalin Region: Pages of History collections, which include travel essays, geographical and historical descriptions as well as newsreel fragments. The materials of the collections are available to visitors at the Russian Center of Science and Culture in London, which remote electronic reading room of the Presidential Library has been opened since 2012. 

Based on the materials of