The Presidential Library takes part in the All-Russian Reader's Campaign “Let us hug a Child with a Book!”
The Presidential Library is an informational partner of the All-Russian Reader's Campaign “Let us hug a Child with a Book!” The event is held by the Association of School Librarians of the Russian World with the support of the All-Russian public-state organization “Union of Women of Russia” and the company “Direct-Media”.
The campaign takes place within the framework of the All-Russian project of the Russian School Association of School Librarians "Reading School", which combines the Shanghai experience with the best domestic traditions in the field of psychology and pedagogy of reading.
The organizers of the campaign offer parents of Russian schoolchildren, along with children, during the period of self-isolation, to pay attention to the family reading interesting books, including in electronic form. This is a good reason to talk about kindness, mutual assistance, respect for each other, love, honor, dignity and responsibility.
Biblioschool portal provides the necessary materials, among which the collection “Kindly open our heart” with a list of works for reading; guidelines for the organization of reading "Lessons of maternal reading"; magazines Chitayka, Read Together, book collections of library subjects, as well as methodological and literary materials. For the period of restrictive measures, free access to all resources is provided.
The action “Let us hug a Child with a Book!” has been actively supported in many regions of Russia. The event meets the state objectives in the field of education in terms of the development of functional (reading) literacy of schoolchildren and the implementation of measures to support children's reading, as well as the tasks of the priority National project "Education".
The Regulation of the All-Russian reading campaign “Let us hug the child with a book!” is available on the official website of the Russian School Library Association.
It is worth noting that the cooperation between the Presidential Library and the Association of School Librarians of the Russian World (RSBA) has been actively developing since July 2019 under the agreement.
Being the largest multifunctional information, scientific, educational and cultural-educational center, the Presidential Library builds up a national electronic resource, which digitally presents books and periodicals, archival documents, newsreels, photographs, films and other materials reflecting the long history of Russia, as well as Russian language. A special place belongs to youth publications, magazines and newspapers, among them the digitized issues of Murzilka magazines for the first half of the 20th century, Pioneer, Kostyor and others. The collections also contain multimedia lessons for schoolchildren, video lectures, virtual exhibitions, etc.
To date the Presidential Library’s electronic collections involve more than 870 thousand depository items.