Residents of Israel were told about the contribution of Peter the Great to the development of the Russian language

10 June 2020

On June 9, 2020, on the birthday of Peter the Great, a thematic issue of the heading of the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv “Purely in Russian” was aired on the Russian-language Israeli radio, dedicated to the contribution of the Russian emperor to the development of the Russian language.

The author of the program, the head of the Russian language and literature cabinet at the Russian Cultural Center, philologist-Russian scholar, doctor of linguistics Tatyana Yatsyuk talked about Peter's reform of the Russian alphabet: 310 years ago, Peter I approved a new civic alphabet and civic print. Then the number of letters in the Russian alphabet was reduced to 38, their style was simplified and rounded. The use of uppercase letters and punctuation was also streamlined, instead of the letter tsifiri began to use Arabic numbers.

Radio listeners learned that in the Petrine era of great achievements, scientific discoveries and military victories, the Russian language was enriched with many foreign words. At the same time, Peter the Great and his entourage consistently fought against excessive enthusiasm for foreign borrowing in oral and written language.

The program also included vivid quotes from the decrees of Peter the Great, and Mikhail Lomonosov’s statements about the Russian language.

A major electronic collection “The House of Romanov. The Zemsky Sobor 1613”, is dedicated to the reformer of Russia and the founder of St. Petersburg. It includes historical documents, business and personal correspondence of the monarch, research, bibliography and many other materials. The collections contains the editions “Memorable Tales of the Life and Works of Peter the Great: 1672-1725” (1872), “Peter the Great, the Last Tsar of Moscow and the First All-Russian Emperor” (1872), “In Petersburg under Peter the Great” ( 1910) and other ancient books.

The Presidential Library’s portal features only part of the collections which is publicly available in the remote reading rooms of the Presidential Library located in different countries.


Based on the materials of portal.