RCSC representatives in Warsaw took part in an international event dedicated to the Russian language

10 July 2020

Teachers of Russian language from universities in Poland and representatives of the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Warsaw took part in the international round table “Russian Language Online: New Challenges - New Opportunities”.

The key areas of discussion were communication and didactics in online conditions, ways of maintaining interaction with online learning and enhancing students' communication skills, online teaching tools, teacher's professional growth (changing work formats, sharing experience), new communication etiquette.

Event participants noted that the period of work in the remote format has become a time of searching for new effective teaching mechanisms and building communications. Technology today is not only a learning tool, but a full-fledged participant in the educational process.

An important role in the study of the Russian language in online format belongs to digitized textbooks and teaching materials presented on the Presidential Library’s portal in Russian Language electronic collection.

Part of the Presidential Library’s collections is available on the institution’s portal and in remote electronic reading rooms located in many countries. Since 2017, one of them has been opened at the RCSC in Warsaw.

Based on the materials of http://pol.rs.gov.ru/ru portal.