Meeting with heads of compatriots' organizations held in Helsinki

17 July 2020

On July 14, 2020, a working meeting with the heads of organizations of Russian compatriots living in Finland was held at the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Helsinki.

As part of the event, the main results of the activities for the first half of 2020, current issues of cooperation with the RCSC in Helsinki, as well as common projects for the future were summed up.

The Presidential Library’s portal features electronic collection "Russia - Finland: the History of Relationships". It contains studies, official and archival documents, cartographic and visual materials that spotlight the geographical, economic and legal position of Finland from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century, most of the period of joining the Russian Empire as the Grand Duchy of Finland; as well as materials covering the current state of relations between our countries. Some of the materials of the Presidential Library are available on the institution's portal and in remote electronic reading rooms located in many countries. One of them has been opened since 2011 at the RCSC in Helsinki.


Based on the materials of portal.