The Presidential Library sums up the results of the tenth anniversary year of development
The main results of the development of the Presidential Library for 2019 are presented in the institution's annual report, the full version of which is published on the library’s official portal.
In 2019, the Presidential Library, subordinate to the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation, celebrated 10 years since its foundation. This milestone in the development of the institution became a powerful impetus for carefully analyzing the achievements, celebrating the successes, taking into account all the challenges of the new time to form plans for the near future in strict accordance with the main statutory tasks.
Over the course of all ten years of the library's formation as a multifunctional multimedia (cultural and educational, scientific, information and analytical) center with structural units in Moscow (Reserve Center) and Tyumen (Tyumen branch of the Presidential Library), the institution has established and strengthened partnerships with libraries, archives, museums, universities, public authorities, private foundations and other organizations, adjusted their activities, solved emerging problems. Today, about 1000 organizations and citizens are involved in the activities of the Presidential Library, participating in the creation of a national electronic resource.
Thus, during the X Annual Integration Forum on the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of Libraries, Archives and Museums in October 2019, an annual visiting meeting of the heads of regional centers of access to the resources of the Presidential Library was based on the Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library. The main objectives of the event were summing up the results of the ten-year work of the Presidential Library to develop the regional network and presenting a strategy for further actions, as well as exchange of experience between colleagues from regional centers. It should be noted that to date, more than 1000 centers of remote access to the resources of the Presidential Library have been opened in all 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 39 remote access centers are opened in 30 countries abroad.
Scientific and educational activities are of great importance for the Presidential Library: multimedia lessons, video lectures, cinema club meetings, webinars, forums and other events are held on a regular basis.
More and more participants are attracted by both traditional and new projects, including the annual Olympiad for schoolchildren "Russia in the Electronic World", within the framework of which in 2019 a new subject such as "Russian as a Foreign Language" was introduced. Also in 2019, a new contest for student papers, scientific research and other projects was launched, the main condition for participation in which is the mandatory use of electronic resources of the Presidential Library.
The Presidential Library is involved in the development of exhibition interactive projects. Today, without leaving home, thanks to virtual tours prepared by the specialists of the institution, one can remotely visit the historic building of the Synod, where the Presidential Library is located today, visit the legendary cruiser Aurora, the Yulian Semyonov House-Museum, the State Memorial Museum of the Defence and Siege of Leningrad, the Museum "Kobona: The Road of Life", a unique school museum "And the Muses Were Not Silent ...", to learn about a number of temporary exhibitions that at different times were presented in the Presidential Library. Films and video lectures prepared by the Presidential Library, as well as the country's leading film studios, are broadcasted weekly on the library's portal in the Live broadcasts section.
The Presidential Library continued to expand the boundaries of the distribution of its multimedia content, demonstrating it, including at major exhibitions and festivals, the Kultura.rf portal, the Zaryadye park in Moscow, as well as in the transport systems of Aeroflot and Russian Railways, city public transport of St. Petersburg, etc.
In 2019, the Presidential Library traditionally acted as a platform for high-level state events: meetings of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council and an informal summit of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the St. Petersburg International Educational Forum, and the International Financial Congress. An important event for the recognition of the international status of the Presidential Library, St. Petersburg and Russia was the 23rd session of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization.
The Presidential Library continued its active work among international organizations, of which it is a member, and presented the results of its activities over 10 years during the 85th General Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
The Presidential Library successfully holds its own events that have a great public response. Thus, in 2019, marking the year of the 75th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi siege, together with Radio Rossiya and the newspaper Petersburg Diary, a large-scale campaign to collect historical materials such as documents, letters, diaries and photographs from the personal archives of residents besieged city was carried out. The call was answered by 250 people, who transferred about four thousand documents to the Presidential Library for digitization. Electronic materials have become available to users all over the world, are widely covered in the media, conferences and other events.
During the year, materials marking the 75th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi siege, based on the documents received, were regularly published on the pages of the Petersburg Diary. With the participation of the Presidential Library in St. Petersburg, the Unified City Information Center, which coordinated the coverage of events for this significant date was established. On the basis of the center, the collection, the distribution and the publication of information about all city events dedicated to the memorable date were carried out.
Interaction with the media is actively developing. The Presidential Library acted as one of the information partners of the VII International Youth Media Forum "Media-start", organized by the City Student Press Center of St. Petersburg, became one of the founders of the St. Petersburg city competition of editorial boards of school media "Journalistic Marathon" and became a platform for summing up and awarding the winners of the eighth competition of young journalists.
Within the framework of cooperation agreements, the Presidential Library hosted the opening of a multimedia exhibition dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the Rodina magazine and the exhibition The Diary of St. Petersburg in Photographs. Digitized copies of the covers of the popular science and history magazine "Rodina" and photographs of the newspaper "Petersburg Diary" - the official publication of the government of St. Petersburg - have entered the electronic collections of the Presidential Library.
The Presidential Library actively presents its activities on social media. In the year of its 10th anniversary, the Presidential Library launched a campaign “Congratulate the Presidential Library!” on social networks. It was attended by teachers and students of creative universities of the country, members of the youth organization "Young Guard", students of the schools "Dinamika" and "Siverskaya", heads of museums, directors, journalists, athletes, photographers, artists, television and radio hosts and, of course, fellow librarians.