Christianization of Rus’ illustrated in Presidential Library’s rare materials
July 28, 2020 marks the 1032th anniversary of Christianization of Rus’ and the 1005th anniversary of the repose of the Equal to the Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, whose memory is sacredly honored by the Russian Orthodox Church. A large number of materials dedicated to this important event are presented on the portal and in the collections of the Presidential Library. Among them are electronic versions of publications from different years, scientific works, video lectures and radio broadcasts.
The date of Christianization of Kievan Rus’ is considered to be 988, when Prince Vladimir accepted the rite of consecration with water and a new faith in Korsun, which is spotlighted in the book of the historian and specialist in source studies Konstantin Bestuzhev-Ryumin “About Christianization of Rus’, about Vladimir the Holy, about his sons and the monastery in Pechory" (1910) and other works. The authors show that the prince's path to the Orthodox faith was not easy, because he began to rule during the period of paganism in Russia.
“When Vladimir began to reign in Kiev, - we read in the book of Ivan Nekrasov “Great Prince Vladimir the Holy Equal to the Apostles: A Story from Russian History” (1888), - he set up six wooden idols in Kiev... The Kievites sacrificed to those idols, glorifying their idols gods, they slain their sons and daughters before idols. All the Russian land and that hill were defiled with human blood".
However, Vladimir who grew up during the period of paganism did not become his staunch adherent. “We can safely say that it did not satisfy the clever prince, and he did not have a firm conviction in idolatry”, - writes the historian Nikolai Markov in his historical and biographical sketch “Grand Prince Vladimir the Great” (1888).
The Slavs by that time were already familiar with Christianity. It is believed that the teaching of Christ was brought to the Russian land by the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called which is mentioned in the book “Great Prince Vladimir the Holy Equal to the Apostles: A Story from Russian History”.
However, the adoption of Christianity as the main religion of Russia was still far away. Strengthening the state required the adoption of a single faith, but which one? And Vladimir takes the trouble to study the four dominant religions and choose one of them for his native land.
Vladimir's choice of faith and Christianization of Rus’ are spotlighted in The Tale of Bygone Years (1916), commented on by the greatest connoisseur and interpreter of chronicles, Alexei Shakhmatov. Professor Vasily Klyuchevsky spoke about this fully and vividly in his lecture course "Ancient Russian History" (1885) - these lectures are handwritten, their electronic copy is available on the Presidential Library’s portal.
The book “Grand Prince Vladimir the Holy Equal to the Apostles: A Story from Russian History” tells how difficult it was for Prince Vladimir to make a choice. Embassies from different nations came to him in Kiev, calling on Russia to convert to their faith. Vladimir had to choose between Muslim, Catholic faith, Judaism and Orthodoxy. In the publication we read how the prince, though not immediately, made a choice in favor of Orthodoxy: “The Greeks sent a philosopher to Vladimir. Philosopher in Greek means sage: “If you want to listen, I’ll tell you everything from the very beginning why God came to earth,” he said to the prince. And the philosopher told him about the creation of the world, about the flood, then about the coming of Christ the Savior to earth, about his baptism, suffering and resurrection.
In 1914, the printing house of the Holy Synod, which was housed in the building where the Presidential Library is now located, published a book by the historian and spiritual writer Dmitry Troitsky "Holy Prince Vladimir, Equal to the Apostles" (1914). We, in particular, can learn what impression the Orthodox divine service made on the Russian envoys of Prince Vladimir.
And the day came, writes Ivan Nekrasov in the study “Grand Prince Vladimir the Holy Equal to the Apostles: A Story from Russian History” when Vladimir said: “I am baptized. Before this time I have tested your law. I like your faith, people who came to you from Kiev from me and from my people told me about it".
The cardinal turn from paganism to Christianity became the most important event in the life of the Slavic people. Here you can cite excerpts from an article by a historian, a pupil of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, professor of the Kiev Theological Academy Vladimir Zavitnevich "Saint Vladimir as a politician", published in the collection "The Vladimir Collection in Memory of the 900th Anniversary of Christianization of Rus’" (1888): "With the return of Vladimir to Kiev has come a moment that, in terms of the depth of its inner meaning, represents a unique phenomenon in our entire history: at that moment, the supreme leader of the great Russian people, in a solemn act, testified to his subjects that from that moment, within all the limits of his vast state, the end of the kingdom of the pagan God of battle and war, and instead of him there is the kingdom of the Christian God, the God of peace and love".
After 988, Rus’ as a Christian state was able to claim a higher status in relations with other European countries, which strengthened international ties. One of the most important consequences of Christianization of Rus’’ was the gradual cohesion of society based on conciliarity, there was a general softening of morals, a desire for the education.
Orthodox Rus’ developed, defending its identity and sovereignty. “Let the present Russian Orthodox person gratefully remember the works of our ancestors... Our ancestors said about this enlightenment: “It’s wonderful to think how much good Vladimir has done to the Russian land by baptizing it!...”. Russian people lived in the darkness. But the sun shone for them after their baptism, ”writes Ivan Nekrasov in the publication “Grand Prince Vladimir the Holy Equal to the Apostles: A Story from Russian History” which is available on the Presidential Library’s portal.