The way people conquered the South and North Poles spotlighted at the Presidential Library’s virtual tour
On August 5, the day of the end of the first Russian Antarctic expedition (1819–1821), the Presidential Library’s portal provides a virtual tour of the exposition dedicated to the geographical discoveries of Polar Regions: the Arctic and Antarctic.
A virtual tour of the exhibition "Expanding Boundaries of the World within the Globe": Marking the 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica by the expedition of F. Bellingshausen and M. Lazarev" illustrates the expeditions of Russian navigators and the history of the Russian presence in the circumpolar regions of our planet, about heroic discoveries and exploration polar regions, scientific activities and extractive industries in the most inaccessible areas of the Earth. The exposition, in particular, presents rare book editions, geographical maps and little-known photographs.
The Presidential Library’s collections contain a large number of materials on the Arctic and Antarctic, among which there are unique publications: "Atlas to Captain Bellingshausen's voyage in the South Arctic Ocean and around the world in the continuation of 1819, 1829 and 1821" with drawings by one of the expedition members; the 1937 book "Airship in the Arctic" and many others. In addition, the portal provides a video tour "Icebreaker" Krassin ": 100 years in the history of Russia", which will present the history of the legendary ship, its workdays and exploits.
For remote visits, more than ten temporary exhibitions of a wide variety of subjects are available today, which at different times were provided in the Presidential Library. The institution’s portal features the exhibitions “Keeping Orthodox Faith: The History of Church Museums. Marking the 1030th Anniversary of Christianization of Rus’", "Monuments of Book Culture: From Print to Digital", "Journey from Petrograd to Moscow. 1918: Marking the 100th anniversary of the Relocation of the Soviet government and the Capital to Moscow", "The Saving Sword of the Revolution": Chekist in Life, Cinema and Literature", "Weapons Designer and Assault Rifle: the Path of a Great Master. Marking the 100th anniversary of Mikhail Kalashnikov", "More than a Game: Marking FIFA World Cup in Russia" and others.
The Presidential Library’s portal also invites to visit the sites of partner museums: the legendary cruiser "Aurora", the State Memorial Museum of the Defence and Siege of Leningrad, the Museum "Kobona: The Road of Life", the Museum "And the Muses were Not Silent...", the Yulian Semyonov House-Museum in Crimea.
Visitors to the Presidential Library’s portal, located anywhere in the world, can also walk through the historic building of the Synod, which today houses a modern multifunctional cultural, educational and scientific and educational center, visit the Constitution Hall, learn about new materials from the constantly adding interactive exposition spotlighting revolutionary events in Petrograd.