The Presidential Library and Tyumen Region: Future Cooperation
The close cooperation, aimed at preserving and enhancing the historical and cultural heritage of the country between the Presidential Library and Tyumen Region, celebrating the 76th anniversary of its foundation on August 14, 2020, has been developing for more than ten years. Vladimir Yakushev, who previously held the post of Governor of Tyumen Region, in 2009 was a member of the working group on the creation of the Presidential Library and its branch, which has been opened at the D. I. Mendeleev Tyumen Regional Scientific Library since 2011. During this time, more than four and a half thousand digitized copies of unique regional publications and documents have been prepared and transferred to the Presidential Library, for example, "Yearbook of the Tobolsk Provincial Museum", "Tobolsk Diocesan Gazette", "Siberian Issues", "Agricultural Workers of the Tyumen Land", publications on history, economics, ethnography and other materials on the history of the Tobolsk province and Tyumen Region.
Today, 149 centers of remote access to the resources of the Presidential Library have been opened in Tyumen Region; thus, all cities and districts of the region are covered by a single network, which opens the possibility of connecting to a unique electronic storage. The Presidential Library has signed 157 agreements with various organizations in Tyumen and the region, which opens up new opportunities for the information environment of this region, which is advanced in terms of scientific, technical and industrial development.
This year, on February 6, Kurgan hosted the inauguration of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library, which is located on the territory of the Yugov Kurgan Regional Universal Scientific Library. Thanks to the support of the government of Tyumen Region and the active work of the Tyumen branch of the Presidential Library, the Ural Federal District has become the first and only in the Russian Federation, where regional centers of the Presidential Library are open in all 6 constituent entities.
This January, an updated center of remote access to information resources of the Presidential Library was also opened at the Kaskarinskaya school of the Tyumen municipal district of Tyumen Region.
On November 14, 2019, within the framework of the XII Tyumen Digital Forum and the INFOTECH-2019 exhibition, where the Presidential Library is traditionally involved, the Tyumen branch organized the workshop “The Presidential Library - the first electronic national library of Russia: 10 years of development”. The event touched upon the topics of the practical use of the resources of the Presidential Library, technological solutions for the formation of digital collections, as well as cooperation and implementation of educational projects.
At the end of April 2020, an online meeting with the curators of the Remote Access Centers of the Presidential Library in Tyumen Region was held. The speakers shared information about useful and relevant resources of the library that can be integrated into the educational process in the mode of remote work with students. Projects of the Presidential Library and its partners were also announced, which can also involve students of Tyumen Region. The meeting was aimed at providing information support to the Central Administrative Centers of the Presidential Library in Tyumen Region, taking into account the current situation in the transition to a new remote format of interaction.
Bilateral cooperation of the Presidential Library and Tyumen Region is developing in other areas. Thus, the students of the region annually take an active part in the Presidential Library Olympiad “Russia in the Electronic World” and traditionally win prizes. It is worth noting that 2020 for Tyumen Region became a record year in terms of the number of participants in the final stage of the interactive Olympiad "Russia in the Electronic World" - 102 schoolchildren of the region demonstrated their knowledge in various disciplines for three days. On the first day, the children took part in the Olympiad in the subject of "history", on the second - social studies, on the third and the final day - the Russian language. For three hours, schoolchildren completed assignments, which include testing, essays on assigned topics, essay, dictation and work with bibliographic materials of the Presidential Library. Among the winners of the third round are five schoolchildren from Tyumen Region, which this year became the second region in terms of the number of winners of the interactive Olympiad "Russia in the Electronic World", behind only St. Petersburg. Two prizes at once, having received III degree diplomas in history and Russian language, were taken by a student of the lyceum of the city of Tobolsk, Elizaveta Antipina.
The resources of the Presidential Library are being actively promoted through other projects. Among them is the online quest "Our Victory", organized by the branch of the Presidential Library in Tyumen Region and timed to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, which brought together almost 1,200 students in grades 7-11 from Tyumen and Amur Regions. For four days, the participants completed test and creative tasks, worked with the resources of the Presidential Library. Each of the days of the project had its own theme, so the guys learned about the Great Patriotic War from various angles and were able to supplement their knowledge with the help of the Presidential Library’s unique collections.
The Presidential Library’s portal features "Tyumen Region: Pages of History" collections. It includes research, statistical materials, archival documents, visual and audio materials which spotlight the socio-economic and socio-political aspects of the history of Tyumen Region of the XVI-XX centuries. The electronic reading rooms provide to “look through” the files of local newspapers “Hammer and Sickle” for 1946-1948, “For Communism” for 1962-1963, “Leninskaya Pravda” for 1980-1986 and etc.