An online quiz featuring fairy tales by Alexander Pushkin took place in Yerevan

11 September 2020

The Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan arranged a literary quiz based on the tales of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. It was entitled "On Trails Unknown to Man..." and intended for students of the "Steps" program by Russian language courses. Classes are held online.

During the quiz, the teacher Juliet Abrahamyan and Svetlana Samuelyan, the leading specialist of the Russian Language Department of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan, tested the students' knowledge of the favourite fairy tales by Alexander Pushkin. Young readers not only remembered the names, heroes and plots of Pushkin's fairy tales but also read by heart the passages from poems of their own choosing.

Sona Sarajyan, head of the Russian Language Department of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan, noted: "The kids took part in the interactive quiz with pleasure. The lesson, which provided repetition and reinforcement of their knowledge of Alexander Pushkin's oeuvre, turned out to be interesting and informative. Such events are useful in fostering the love for reading and broadening the children's reading horizons".

During the lockdown, the Russian Language Department of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan conducts online Russian language courses for everyone - of any level of knowledge and without age restrictions.

Teachers and schoolchildren studying the Russian language may explore the materials of the electronic collection "Russian Language", which includes manuscripts and publications of monuments of Russian literature, archives, research papers, dictionaries and reference books, teaching aids.

The Presidential Library's collections also include a selection of documents dedicated to Alexander Pushkin. It features digital copies of books, articles, archival papers, dissertation abstracts, video films, graphic and other materials regarding the life and work of the poet.

The materials of the collections are available at Remote Reading Rooms of the Presidential Library, located in 30 countries of the world.


Based on materials of the website