Films of the Tikhvin Film Festival participants to be watched and considered at the Presidential Library’s cinema club meeting

7 October 2020

On October 7, 2020, at 13:00 the Presidential Library will host a cinema club meeting where documentaries of the participants of the I International Tikhvin Film Festival "Under the Protection of the "Tikhvin"  Mother of God will be shown.

The film festival "Under the Protection of the “Tikhvin” Mother of God is held from 9 to 14 October 2020 with the support of the Committee for Tourism of Leningrad Region. The founders of the film festival are the Tikhvin diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Severnaya Palmira congress and exhibition fund. The Presidential Library is the co-organizer.

The cinema club meeting will be attended by the chairman of the organizing committee of the film festival, Bishop of Tikhvin and Lodeynoye Pole Mstislav, the chairman of the jury of the film festival - a famous director, historian, journalist Viktor Pravdyuk, representatives of the committees of the Government of Leningrad Region, directors, cameramen, filmmakers.

The presentation of the spiritual national heritage is one of the important focus areas of the Presidential Library's cinema club.

The documentary screening will open the film "House of the Most Holy Theotokos", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the return of the Tikhvin Assumption Monastery of the Theotokos to the Russian Orthodox Church and the revival of monastic life in the monastery.

The cinema club meeting program includes such films as: "The Power of Place" (2020) by director and cameraman Dmitry Gridin and documentaries from the cycle "Ship Priests" (2019) directed by Alexander Smirnov.

The documentary film "The Power of Place" has been created by the studios "ERAmedia" and "GridinFilm". In the process of creating the film, director Dmitry Gridin and his camera crew traveled to unusual places in Podporozhsky Region, looking for unique monuments of wooden architecture, churches and parishes of the Tikhvin Diocese. Each person, according to Dmitry, a tourist or pilgrim who has come to these amazing places, is filled with unusual strength, spiritual purity, kindness and grace: “The whole film was shot with a certain mood - with love for these places, which have a certain strength and ennobling tranquility".

Films from the "Ship Priests" cycle (2019) were directed by Alexander Smirnov at the "RussDocumentFilm" studio in St. Petersburg. The film "Orthodox Antarctica" is about the participation and role of ship priests in long voyages and geographical discoveries. The film "Ship Hieromonks Against Revolution" is about military priests who shared the fate of the officers of the Russian army. According to the director Alexander Smirnov, "this is a film about a spiritual alternative to the revolution".

"Eternal Captives of the Depth" is a film about the most important temple of the Russian submarine forces, and "Priests of Atomic Submarines" is a film about the hard work of priests on nuclear submarines. 

The male choir of the Nativity of Christ Compound of the Holy Trinity Alexander Svirsky Monastery, created with the blessing of Bishop Mstislav of Tikhvin and Lodeynoye Pole in 2012, will perform for the guests of the cinema club after watching and discussing the films.

The event will be broadcasted live on the Presidential Library's portal in Live broadcasts section, in the Presidential Library's cinema club group on the VKontakte social network and on the institution's YouTube channel.

The multimedia exhibition "The 500th Anniversary of the Tikhvin Assumption Monastery", presenting in electronic form both historical and modern materials related to the centuries-old history of the unique architectural monument and the spiritual center of the Russian North, will be running on the same day. The exposition will feature photographs of almost all the buildings of the monastery: the Assumption Cathedral, the Intercession Church with the refectory, the belfry, the cell buildings, the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God "Krylechko" and others.

The cinema club meeting will take place in the multimedia hall of the Presidential Library at the address: Senate Square, 3. Please confirm your personal presence by phone: 305-16-35; 8 (921) 594-16-13 or by e-mail:, Elena Smolina.

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