The Presidential Library’s webinar to highlight the Decembrist uprising

11 November 2020

An online webinar "The Decembrist Uprising" will be provided on November 11, 2020 at 10:00 on the Presidential Library’s portal.

Printed and archival materials from the Presidential Library’s collections, dedicated to the events of December 14 (26), 1825, reveal the preconditions, course and results of the uprising, tell about the fate of its participants, present an assessment of contemporaries and descendants, the views of modern researchers.

The publication "Ideals of the Decembrists" (1907) by the Russian historian Mitrofan Dovnar-Zapolsky gives a general idea of ​​the mood of society at that time, and also spotlights the ideology of the Decembrists. The work of historian Vasily Semevsky "Political and social ideas of the Decembrists" (1909), an electronic copy of which is available in the Presidential Library’s collections, is devoted to the formation and development of the socio-political views of the Decembrists, the influence of the ideology of the Enlightenment on them.

Webinar participants will have the opportunity to learn about unique documents - the secret Manifesto of Emperor Alexander I on succession to the throne in 1823, where Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich was declared the heir to the throne; with "Note of the State Secretary A. N. Olenin on the meeting of the State Council upon receipt of the news of the death of Emperor Alexander I".

Numerous studies and archival materials are devoted to the course of the 1825 uprising, as well as the investigation and trial of the Decembrists. Among them, for example, "The trial of the Decembrists: report, investigation, verdict, letter from Ryleev from the fortress, decrees" (1905).

The webinar will also feature biographical sketches, notes and memoirs of participants of the December uprising.

These and many other materials are presented in more than 1000 remote access centers open in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 30 foreign countries. The electronic collections of the Presidential Library, numbering about one million depository items, are fully available.

Webinars on various topics are regularly held in the Presidential Library in the form of video conferencing mode. Thus, one can discover the unique collections of the national digital repository; learn about rare historical documents, publications and other materials that are little known to a wide audience.

The webinar "The Decembrists Uprising" will be broadcasted live on November 11 from 10:00 (Moscow time) online in Live broadcasts section of the Presidential Library’s portal in accordance with the program of live events. Please note that just before watching the webinar in Live broadcasts section, you need to refresh the portal page.

All the information about past and upcoming webinars in the "Webinars" section, and information about remote access centers - in the "Remote Access Centers" section is also available on the Presidential Library’s portal.