Kemerovo Regional Center of the Presidential Library is the winner of the competition for the best goods and services

13 November 2020

The results of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of the program "One hundred best goods of Russia" - "The best goods and services of Kuzbass" have been summed up. The electronic collection "Family Chronicle of War" has become a laureate of the 2020 competition.

Since 2015, the collection has been formed by the Kemerovo Regional Center of the Presidential Library (a structural subdivision of the V. D. Fyodorov State Scientific Library of Kuzbass) in cooperation with city veterans' organizations, school museums, libraries, as well as townspeople.

The creation of electronic collections is a direction that the Kemerovo regional center is successfully developing, using the technology of forming digital collections, developed by the specialists of the Presidential Library.

In 2019, among the winners of the competition for the best goods and services was named an electronic collection of materials on the history of Kuzbass "Kuzbass - angle (s) of view", which received the right to be marked with the sign "Kuzbass quality".

In 2020, the project for creating a digital collection “Industrialization of Kuzbass. 1910-1940: Ideas and Implementation” became a finalist of the Presidential Library competition “Our Region: Selected Pages of History”. It is now underway.

The Presidential Library’s portal features Kemerovo Region in a separate collection. It includes studies, statistical materials and archival documents of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, spotlighting the administrative, socio-economic, demographic and ethnographic situation of the Mariinsky and Kuznetsk districts, which territory today forms the basis of the region.


Based on the materials of portal.