Online game "Guardians of the Fatherland: Minin and Pozharsky" underway in Omsk

3 November 2020

Marking the National Unity Day, the staff of the Omsk Center of the Presidential Library at the Pushkin Omsk State Regional Scientific Library provided an online game "Guardians of the Fatherland: Minin and Pozharsky".

This holiday turns us to the feat that the Russian people performed in the name of the liberation of their native land in 1612.

The game is an interactive simulator and is aimed at forming an idea about the events of that time, about the problems of the second militia and the reasons for its success. With the help of the game it is possible to develop emotional intelligence and diplomatic abilities: the goal of the participant is to convince merchants and townspeople that not only Nizhny Novgorod, but the entire Russian land should be protected from the invaders; the mood indicator in the corner of the screen will allow to monitor the reaction of the interlocutors to the selected dialogue strategy.

The Presidential Library’s portal features a separate collection dedicated to Omsk Region. It includes studies, essays, reviews and reports, archival documents, visual aids, audio and video materials covering certain aspects of the socio-economic, socio-political and cultural development of the region during the 18th - second half of the 20th centuries.