Marking Constitution Day. The Presidential Library spotlights the history of the Basic Law of Russia

12 December 2020

December 12, our country celebrates a public holiday - the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It was on this day in 1993 that the main legal act of the country was adopted by a popular vote.

The Presidential Library provides users with the Basic Law of our country with the amendments approved during the all-Russian vote on July 1, 2020. The text of the document is posted in the collections of the institution and published on its official portal.

Thanks to the electronic materials of the Presidential Library, it is now possible to learn about the detailed history of the Basic Law of Russia, which determines the social and state structure, the electoral system, the principles of organization and activities of the authorities and administration, the basic rights and obligations of citizens.

The electronic collection "Constitution - Basic Law" provides the texts of the constitutions of the Russian state of various historical eras. In addition, the collection contains digital copies of official documents, as well as research, journalism, memoirs, videos illustrating the details of the creation of the Basic Law.

Of great interest are rare editions from the electronic collections of the Presidential Library, which make it possible to better understand the prerequisites for the creation of a normative legal act of higher legal force. For example, the portal features the digitized "State Charter of the Russian Empire" - a reform draft of the constitution, developed on the instructions of Emperor Alexander I, who saw the way to change the political system of the country in creating a constitution that guarantees citizens personal freedom and civil rights.

The current Basic Law of 1993, events influenced the formation of the constituent document of the country, as well as previous constitutional projects are discussed in the film "Right to a Constitution".

The main milestones in the development of domestic constitutionalism, the history of the creation and adoption of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993 are also introduced by a multimedia lesson posted on the Presidential Library’s portal. It allows a deeper understanding of the origins of the rights, freedoms and duties of citizens of modern Russia. In addition, everyone will be able to test their knowledge by passing an electronic quiz.

Thanks to the 3D tour, one has opportunity to virtually visit the Constitution Hall, which is located in the Presidential Library. The exposition tells about the Russian constitutions of the 20th century. Documents, photographs, newsreels are devoted to the Basic State Laws of the Russian Empire, the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918, the Constitutions of the USSR of 1924, 1936 and 1977. The stages of the creation and adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 are presented - printed publications, historical documents, including those with edits and notes of the country's top official, digitized subscription lists that the heads of state filled out after taking the oath, photo and newsreels and other materials related to with the institution of the presidency and state symbols of Russia. The main exhibit of the exhibition is an exact copy of the inaugural copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, presented by the head of state on the opening day of the Presidential Library on May 27, 2009.

A video tour based on the materials of the exhibition "From the history of constitutionalism in Russia: drafts and constitutions of the 18th – 20th centuries" is available on the institution's portal, which focuses on the development of legislation in our country and the first attempts to create a document defining the basic duties and rights of citizens.

Video lectures are also of particular interest. Thus, from the "Lesson of the Constitution" of the absolute winner of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia - 2017" Ilya Demakov, one can learn how constitutions appeared, what their essence is and how important it is to comply with the laws of the country. He also tells why in 1993 it became necessary to adopt a new Constitution of Russia and how it was formed.

Doctor of Law, Professor, one of the authors of the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation, Sergei Shakhrai, in a video lecture "Living Constitution of Russia" explains why every citizen should know the Basic Law of the country.

One can also learn more about the Constitution in the Electronic Museum of the Constitutional History of Russia, which creation involved the Russian Historical Society, the Academic Educational and Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences – the Moscow State University and the Presidential Library. The collection of the museum includes video and audio recordings, photographs, digital copies of archival documents, scientific publications, and three-dimensional images of genuine artifacts.

It is worth noting that in order to promote knowledge of the Constitution, the Presidential Library regularly replenishes electronic collections with new historical materials spotlighting the topic of state structure, and also provides video lectures, film broadcasts, multimedia lessons, exhibitions dedicated to the Basic Law of the Russian Federation.