Tambov grammar-school pupils made a virtual tour of the exhibition in the Presidential Library

10 December 2020

December 8, 2020 the Saint Pitirim Tambov Orthodox Gymnasium, of Bishop of Tambov provided a virtual tour of the exhibition “Weapons Designer and Assault Rifle: the Path of the Great Master. Marking the centenary anniversary of Mikhail Kalashnikov".

Olga Vdovichenko, a tour guide of the Presidential Library, introduced teachers and schoolchildren not only to the achievements of the famous gunsmith, but also to interesting facts from the life of this amazing man, whose surname has forever entered the history of military affairs.

Getting to know the exhibition materials in a remote format was the first experience of the Tambov Orthodox Gymnasium participating in the interactive projects of the Presidential Library.

The concentration and attention of the children during the viewing, a detailed story about the exhibits in the conversation following the results of the tour showed a genuine interest of schoolchildren in this undertaking within the framework of cooperation between the Presidential Library and the Tambov Orthodox Gymnasium.

Continuing the topic covered during the virtual tour, the Presidential Library features the collection History of Russian Army, which includes books on the emergence, development and reform of the Russian army.