The Volgograd Regional Center of the Presidential Library visited by activists of the movement "Volunteer company "Combat Brotherhood"

21 December 2020

December 17, 2020 the Gorky Volgograd Regional Universal Scientific Library for the activists of the Volgograd Regional Branch of the All-Russian volunteer public movement "For patriotic, spiritual and moral education of youth" Volunteer company "Combat Brotherhood"" hosted a tour around the exposition “Duty and Fate: Military Experts in the Service of the Republic of Soviets (marking centenary anniversary of the Civil War in Russia)” and the familiarity with the electronic resources of the Presidential Library.

The exposition "Duty and Fate: Military Experts in the Service of the Republic of Soviets (marking the Centenary Anniversary of the Civil War in Russia)" became the winner of the competition to support exhibition and exposition activities, organized by the History of the Fatherland Foundation. The exhibition project of the Museum-Reserve "Battle of Stalingrad" is dedicated to the role of military specialists in the formation and development of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA) in the period 1918-1945.

The tour continued with a visit to the regional center of information resources of the Presidential Library and the familiarity with the documents of the electronic collections "World War I" and "Memory of the Great Victory", posted in the public domain on the Presidential Library’s portal.

The guests were also told about the activities of the Presidential Library and the Volgograd Regional Center of the Presidential Library, aimed at the patriotic education of youth.

At the end of the tour, the activists of the "Volunteer Company" became readers of the Presidential Library.

The National Electronic Repository Foundation contains a large number of library and archival materials dedicated to volunteers and the volunteer movement. The documents are available on the institution's portal and in remote centers of access to the resources of the Presidential Library located in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.