The branch of the Presidential Library in Tyumen Region is completing a cycle of educational workshops this year
December 24, 2020 the first part of the cycle of educational webinar workshops "The educational potential of the Presidential Library" is coming to an end. In November and December, employees of the branch of the Presidential Library in Tyumen Region held 40 events for 600 teachers from the region's educational institutions.
The webinar workshop highlights the possibilities of information resources of the Presidential Library for use in the educational process.
Separate modules in the program are the presentation of a complex of digitized archival documentary evidence, film and photographic materials "World War II in Archival Documents" and design practices of the branch of the Presidential Library in Tyumen Region.
The cycle of educational events, within the framework of which it is planned to train teachers from 100 leading schools of Tyumen Region, will be launched in January 2021.