Kazakhstan delegation visited the Presidential Library

23 December 2020

Delegation from the Republic of Kazakhstan, headed by the head of the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the city of Nur-Sultan, Umitkhan Munalbaeva, visited the Presidential Library and learned about the activities of the institution.

During the meeting, the guests handed over books related to the history and development of Kazakhstan. Among the donated publications are the work of Muhammad Haidar Dulati "Tarikh-i Rashidi", considered the genealogy of the Turkic peoples of the XIV-XVI centuries and the chronicle of the Kazakh Khanate, as well as books about the famous Kazakh poet, philosopher-humanist Abai Kunanbayev (1845-1904), whose 175th birthday anniversary is celebrated this year.

A tour of the historic building of the Holy Synod was organized for the delegation. The guests visited the electronic reading and exhibition halls, a conference hall, and a multimedia complex. They carefully learned about the activities of the library and discussed with representatives of the institution the development of cooperation in the exchange of information resources.

The materials dedicated to Russia's relations with other states always enter the Presidential Library’s collections. Thus, the portal of the institution features a separate electronic collection "Russia - Kazakhstan: the History of Relationship" which includes statistical documents, studies, essays, archival materials, photographs and newsreels introducing geography, ethnography, economics, cultural development and administrative-territorial division of Kazakhstan XV - early XX century, including the period of its entry into a common state with Russia.