Final events with the participation of students of Russian language courses held in Yerevan

28 December 2020

The Russian Center of Science and Culture in Yerevan hosted the final New Year's events with the participation of students of the Russian language courses under the Teremok and Stupenki programs. Under the guidance of teachers Juliet Abrahamyan and Meline Mikaelyan, pupils of the courses aged 6 to 14 recited their favorite poems, sang songs and presented sketches.

The head of the Russian language department of the RCSC in Yerevan, Sona Sarajyan, congratulated the children on the end of the academic six months and wished them great success in the further study of the Russian language. At the end of the events, the students of the Russian language courses of the RCSC in Yerevan were presented with gifts from the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Armenia.

Students of the courses have opportunity to use the materials of the electronic collection of the Presidential Library "Russian Language", which includes manuscripts and publications of monuments of Russian writing, archival files, scientific works, dictionaries and reference books, teaching aids. They are available on the institution’s portal and in the centers of remote access to information resources of the Presidential Library located in 30 countries of the world.


Based on the materials of portal.