Schoolchildren and students of Kyrgyzstan received awards from St. Petersburg State University

11 February 2021

The Russian Center of Science and Culture in Osh awarded the participants of the II International Online Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign Language, which was held at St. Petersburg State University.

Pupils from Osh and Jalal-Abad Regions took part in the Olympiad: schoolchildren of 9-11 grades and students. Within a limited amount of time, the participants had to answer questions and complete tasks in vocabulary, grammar and reading.

Following the results of the Olympiad, Aizirek Abdykaimova and Alina Tynaeva received first-degree diplomas and gifts from St. Petersburg State University.

All Russian language learners can also take part in the Presidential Library Olympiad Russia in the Electronic World. Since 2019, the subject for foreign users "Russian as a foreign language" has been included in the program of the Olympiad. All detailed information about the project is available on the Presidential Library’s portal.

To prepare for the Olympiad it is possible to use the materials of the electronic collection Russian language, which includes manuscripts and publications of monuments of Russian writing, archival files, scientific works (including dissertations and thesis), dictionaries and reference books, textbooks of various types and levels.

The collection is available at the centers of remote access to information resources of the Presidential Library located in various countries of the world.


Based on the materials of portal.