Cultural and educational event of the Presidential Library spotlighted the poets of the Silver Age

4 March 2021

March 4, 2021 the Presidential Library hosted a cultural and educational event "Following the poets of the Silver Age" as part of the Knowledge of Russia video lecture project. The event was organized jointly with the Novgorod Regional Universal Scientific Library.

The video lecture was free. The meeting was held remotely and was broadcasted live on the Presidential Library's portal in Live broadcasts section in accordance with the program of live events, on the institution's YouTube channel and on the VKontakte social network.

The event involved lectures, recitation of poems and the performance of songs to the words of the poets of the Silver Age.

The presenter of the Knowledge of Russia video lecture, methodologist Anton Druzhevsky, told about the electronic documents of the Presidential Library dedicated to the poets of the Silver Age and read poems by Boris Pasternak and Sergei Yesenin; the head of the Presidential Library’s Poetry Club, Maria Bishokova, told about its events in honor of the poets of the Silver Age, about their influence on modern poetry and read the poems of Osip Mandelstam.

The event featured multiple winners of reading contests, members of the Patriot club, students of grade 10 "A" from school No. 323 in the Nevsky District of St. Petersburg, Polina Fokeeva and Maxim Shuvalov.

The lecture of the Candidate of Philological Sciences, chief librarian of the scientific and methodological department of the "Novgorod Regional Universal Scientific Library" Ekaterina Ligus "Poet by the grace of God: Konstantin Fofanov on the Novgorod land" was dedicated to one of the brightest representatives of Russian poetry of the late XIX - early XX century, the "last romantic", whose poetic talent was compared by contemporaries to Pushkin's. At the beginning of the twentieth century, for about three years Fofanov lived in Novgorod and Staraya Russa, leaving a noticeable mark on the social and literary life of the Novgorod province. The general public, however, did not know the works of Konstantin Fofanov of this period for a long time.

The presentation by Anna Goregina, a methodologist on scientific and educational activities of the A. A. Blok Museum-Apartment, was dedicated to the career of Alexander Blok, his role in the cultural process of the Silver Age and modernity.

The culmination of the meeting was the speeches of the participants in the "Rose of Poetry" project - an anthology of contemporary Russian poetry, a constellation of talented poets from different parts of Russia.

Interactive lessons and video lectures are regularly held in the Presidential Library. More information about them is available on the institution's portal in the Multimedia lessons section and in the Video lectures for school section, which features records of lectures and open lessons held in the Presidential Library.