The Presidential Library’s virtual tour tells about the relocation of the Russian capital from Petrograd to Moscow

12 March 2023

Why was it decided to relocate the capital from Petrograd to Moscow in March 1918 and who initiated that? How was such a large-scale relocation carried out and what was taken out first? Visitors to the Presidential Library’s portal will find answers to these and other questions thanks to a virtual tour of the exhibition Journey from Petrograd to Moscow. 1918: Marking the 100th anniversary of the relocation of the Soviet government and the capital to Moscow, which was displayed in the building on Senate Square in the year of the centenary of the memorable date.

Unique archival documents spotlight the circumstances of the relocation of the heads of the new state, commissariats and other important administrative and political structures, about the numerous difficulties that the Soviet government faced; they describe Petrograd when it was deprived of its status as a capital. Multimedia maps will feature where the central government offices were located in pre-revolutionary Petrograd and where they were located in Moscow. Newsreels and fragments from documentary films revive the historical event.

Virtual projects are an actively developing area of activity of the Presidential Library, thanks to which the electronic repository, along with paper, photo, audio and video materials, is added with exhibits from exhibitions, items from museum collections.

Today, there are more than thirty virtual tours and excursions available for remote visits. They are available on the Presidential Library’s portal in the Exhibitions section at the link