A cycle of multimedia lessons "The origins of St. Petersburg hospitality: events, people, places" launched at the Presidential Library
March 18, 2021, at 11:00, the Presidential Library hosted a multimedia lesson for high school students of St. Petersburg "The First Industrial Exhibition in Russia". This lesson launched the cycle "The origins of St. Petersburg hospitality: events, people, places", organized by the Presidential Library in conjunction with the St. Petersburg State University of Economics.
The tenth-graders of school No. 219 of St. Petersburg took part in the event in person. The pupils of the gymnasium No. 171 of St. Petersburg joined the lesson via video-conference mode.
The lesson was given by Igor Bychkov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Service and Congress and Exhibition Activities, St. Petersburg State University of Economics.
He told about the history of the first industrial exhibition in Russia, which took place in St. Petersburg in 1829. It was organized to demonstrate the success of domestic manufactures, as well as to maintain Russian industry and its competitiveness in the world market.
The materials from the Presidential Library’s collections were used as part of the multimedia lesson. Thanks to rare materials, schoolchildren learned about many interesting little-known facts, for example, what things Emperor Nicholas I personally bought at the first Russian industrial exhibition.
Participants of the event discussed the information received and were also able to check how much they have mastered the studied material by answering Igor Bychkov's questions.
The multimedia lesson was free. The event was broadcasted live on the Presidential Library's portal in Live broadcasts section in accordance with the program of live events and on the institution's YouTube channel.
The next multimedia lessons from the cycle "The origins of St. Petersburg hospitality: events, people, places" was devoted to the history of the development of individual sectors of the economy in St. Petersburg and Russia as a whole. Schoolchildren learned about the origins of St. Petersburg hospitality, congress and exhibition business and tourism, discover little-known historical facts.
Interactive lessons are regularly held in the Presidential Library. More information is available on the institution's portal in the Multimedia lessons section. Classes are held free of charge. The details of how to apply for participation in multimedia lessons are provided by calling (812) 305-16-51 or by email cep@prlib.ru.