The event dedicated to Alexander Nevsky held at the Birobidzhan Regional Center of the Presidential Library

10 April 2021

April 6 and 8, 2021 the Birobidzhan Regional Center of the Presidential Library based on the Sholem Aleichem Birobidzhan Regional Universal Scientific Library hosted a historical game dedicated to the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the birth of the great commander and statesman of Russia Alexander Nevsky. The event was attended by pupils of the orphanage No. 2, a social rehabilitation center for minors and cadets of the Orthodox military-patriotic cadet center.

The guys in a playful way not only learned about the personality of Prince Alexander Nevsky, his military-state and diplomatic activities, "visited" the battlefields of the commander, but also with passion and enthusiasm completed all the tasks of the historical game. The participants also remembered about the warfare of Ancient Russia, learned about the types of ancient Russian weapons, the equipment of the Russian warrior and knights-crusaders.

The electronic collection of the Presidential Library Alexander Nevsky (1221-1263) presents studies, essays and visual materials dedicated to the Grand Prince. These sources can be used by teachers and library specialists when preparing thematic events about Alexander Nevsky.