Total dictation held in the Volgograd Regional Center of the Presidential Library

13 April 2021

April 10, 2021 the Regional Information Resource Center of the Presidential Library based on of the Gorky Volgograd Regional Universal Scientific Library for the first time has become one of the sites of the annual educational action "Total dictation - 2021".

Everyone who had registered in advance got the opportunity to take part in it, and the staff of the Regional Center acted as presenters.

The author of the text of the Total Dictation of 2021 was Dmitry Glukhovsky, a Russian writer, journalist, screenwriter, known for his novels Metro 2033, Metro 2034, Twilight and others. Glukhovsky is called a writer of a new type and one of the founders of network literature. Especially for the participants of the action, he wrote four parts of the text of the dictation. According to the author, this is a living story full of emotions.

It should be noted that this year the participants of the Total Dictation were given the opportunity to become spectators of the premiere screening of the short film Promises, which told the participants the story described in the text by Dmitry Glukhovsky. The screening took place on the site of the Regional Center after the dictation was written; for a wide audience, the film will appear in the public domain only this fall.

After the end of the campaign, the employees of the Regional Center answered all the questions of the participants of the event regarding remote access to the resources of the Presidential Library and electronic repositories.

The Presidential Library’s portal features the basic collection Russian language which includes manuscripts and publications of monuments of Russian writing, archival files, scientific works, dictionaries and reference books, textbooks of various types and levels. The collection is of interest to representatives of the scientific and educational community, linguists, specialists in the promotion of the Russian language on the Internet, as well as a wide range of users who love and appreciate their native language.