The Kurgan Regional Center of the Presidential Library acted as a platform for the broadcast of the "Direct Line with President Vladimir Putin"

1 July 2021

The regional center of the Presidential Library based on the Yugov Kurgan Regional Universal Scientific Library once again became in the Trans-Urals a platform for viewing and discussing "Direct Line with Vladimir Putin". A meeting of the regional headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front in Kurgan Region took place here. Co-chairs, experts, members of the headquarters, activists of the organization, as well as library specialists closely followed the course of the dialogue, listened to the answers of the head of state and discussed options for resolving some issues in the Trans-Urals.

This format of work has already become a tradition, noted the Deputy Director for Project Activities and Development of Yugov Library, member of the regional headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front in Kurgan Region Maria Kolchedantseva: “Due to the fact that the Regional Center of the Presidential Library provides a wide range of multimedia opportunities, for several years in a row we have become a publicly accessible modern platform where people from the Urals can come to watch a live line or a press conference with President Vladimir Putin or his Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and exchange views".

The Presidential Library’s portal features the collections Institute of Presidency in Russia and Presidential Chronicle.

The collection Institute of Presidency in Russia includes legislative acts, studies, textbooks, video recordings, speeches and other materials related to the activities of the President of the Russian Federation and the bodies that ensure his work. The grouping of the material of the first two sections is based on the structure of the scientific-auxiliary bibliographic index Institute of Presidency in Russia, prepared by the Office of Information and Documentation Support of the President of the Russian Federation (Moscow, 2012).

The purpose of the Presidential Chronicle project is to form an objective and accurate view of the history of Russia based on documentary materials obtained from official sources, educate citizenship and patriotism, and reveal the essence and history of the institution of presidential power.

The history of the symbols of the presidential power, virtual tours of the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation, the Personal Library and Archives of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the state awards of Russia are of great public interest. The project is being implemented with the assistance of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Within the framework of the Presidential Power project, the videos Symbols of Presidential Power, Personal Library of the President of the Russian Federation, I Appeal to the President, Archive of the President of the Russian Federation, The ceremonial residence of the President of Russia. The Grand Kremlin Palace have been released. The films are available on the Presidential Library’s portal in the Audiovisual Materials section.