The mystery of the death of Mikhail Lermontov: the Presidential Library presents the memories of eyewitnesses

27 July 2021

Legend has it that the midwife who gave birth to Maria Lermontova (née Arsenyeva) predicted that her son would die violently. At the age of 27, the famous Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov really died in a duel at the hands of his old friend Nikolai Martynov. The deadly duel took place on July 27 (15 old style), July 1841, but even after 180 years the controversy over what caused the duel and what actually happened at the time of its holding continues. The Presidential Library features publications that will help shed light on some issues related to one of the most tragic events of the 19th century.

Two days before the fatal events - July 25, 1841 - Mikhail Lermontov and Nikolai Martynov were in the company of young people in one of the famous houses of Pyatigorsk. Nothing foreshadowed trouble: the guests talked, music played. Here is what Emilia Shan-Girey recalled about this day - her words are given in the book by Margarita Nikoleva Mikhail Lermontov: a Biographical Sketch: "We were joined by Lev Sergeevich Pushkin, who was also notable for his malice, and the two of them (Pushkin and Lermontov. - Ed.) began to joke... They did not say anything evil, but a lot of funny things. But then they saw Martynov, talking very kindly with my younger sister Nadezhda, standing at the piano on which Prince Trubetskoy was playing. Lermontov could not resist and began to joke about him, calling him montagnard au grand poignard (french "highlander with a large dagger. - Ed.)".

Nikolai Martynov got angry, expressed his displeasure to Mikhail Lermontov and left. From that moment on, a series of mysteries began. There is no unequivocal understanding of what happened between the friends, how the challenge to a duel took place, and whether this particular case was fatal in their relationship.

On the evening of July 27, a duel at the foot of Mount Mashuk took place. Alexey Stolypin, Sergey Trubetskoy, Alexander Vasilchikov and Mikhail Glebov performed as seconds.

“We measured out 30 steps with Glebov; the last hurdle was set at ten and, having separated the opponents to extreme distances, they were ordered to converge to each of them at 10 steps on the command: "march". The pistols were loaded. Glebov gave it to Martynov, I gave it to Lermontov, and they ordered to "converge". Lermontov remained motionless and, having cocked the hammer, raised the pistol with the muzzle up, shielding himself with his hand and elbow in accordance with all the rules of an experienced duelist. At that moment, and for the last time, I looked at him and I will never forget that calm, almost cheerful expression that played on the poet's face in front of the barrel of the gun, already aimed at him. Martynov with quick steps approached the barrier and began to aim. Stolypin shouted: “Either shoot, or we will separate you!” Martynov fired. Lermontov fell as if knocked down, without making any movement", - recounts the eyewitness Alexander Vasilchikov in the book Mikhail Lermontov: a Biographical Sketch.

However, many researchers agree that the events developed differently - later this will be indicated by a number of inconsistencies in the testimony of Nikolai Martynov and the seconds.

After a fatal shot, a terrible thunderstorm broke out, the body of Mikhail Lermontov was left at the site of the duel, where it lay in the pouring rain for several hours. Only closer to midnight they returned for him: the servants loaded him into a cart and brought him home.

According to one of the main versions, the duel between Mikhail Lermontov and Nikolai Martynov was the logical end of their uneasy relationship. The young people met long before the fight and communicated closely, despite the fact that they were complete opposites. The poet often allowed himself to express barbs to his friend, which deeply offended him.

Another version is that Nikolai Martynov was incited to murder for a long time. The poet had many ill-wishers. Among them is the same Prince Alexander Vasilchikov, a second who called himself Lermontov's friend. Subsequently, he insisted on the version that the poet himself was the culprit of the duel. However, it is known that Alexander Vasilchikov, who was also repeatedly ridiculed by Lermontov, was looking for an opportunity to set up a quarrel between his offender and someone.

“At first, his choice fell on Officer Lisanevich. He tried to convince Lisanevich that Lermontov was mocking him, but he refused with the words: “My hand will not rise against such a person”, - says Irakli Andronikov's book The Life of Lermontov, presented on the Presidential Library’s portal.

In Soviet times, the version became popular that “the champions of autocracy” wanted to get rid of the poet and the conflict became a good reason. Arguing this point of view, the researchers provide the following evidence:

“The 'higher' spheres reacted to the death of the poet with a feeling of complete satisfaction. The tsar greeted the news of his death with a shameful phrase: "there is a road for him", and did everything to alleviate the fate of the poet's murderer: he softened the court order, appointed only three months in prison with pre-trial detention and significantly reduced the period of church repentance", - says the book Mikhail Lermontov: a Biographical Sketch.

But this version of the duel and death of Lermontov does not end. There are opinions that the conflict between young people occurred because of a woman and also that it was not Nikolai Martynov who shot the poet at all, but another person hiding nearby.

More information about the tragic death of the great poet is available in the publications of the Presidential Library presented in the collection Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841). It contains materials that reveal the versatility of the poet's personality, his role in the cultural life of Russia. The collection includes books and periodicals containing the texts of the works of Mikhail Lermontov, studies about his life and career, as well as postcards and photographs depicting monuments to the poet, places associated with his name. Of particular interest are reproductions of paintings and drawings by Mikhail Lermontov himself, thanks to which he appears not only as a poet, prose writer, playwright, but also as an artist.