Regional Centre of the Presidential Library in the Republic of Bashkortostan to provide a quiz

20 September 2021


The Regional Centre of Remote Access to the Presidential Library's Resources in the Republic of Bashkortostan at the Ahmet Zeki Velidi National Library prepared a quiz devoted to the work and career of Sergei Aksakov, a Russian writer, poet, literary, and theatre critic from Ufa, marking his 230th anniversary.

The quiz includes 18 questions. It also provides links to resources of the Presidential Library's electronic collections, which will help find answers to the proposed questions.

The writer was born into a poor noble family in a house in Golubina Slobodka (today - Pushkin Street). He spent his childhood in Ufa and on the Novo-Aksakovo estate in the Buguruslan district of Orenburg Province.

Sergei Aksakov’s literary biography reflects the history of Russian literature. Aksakov is a respected classic of the Russian language, the best literary memoirist, a bizarre writer of everyday life, an excellent landscape painter and an observer of the life of nature.

The Presidential Library's electronic collections contain a variety of documents devoted to Sergei Aksakov, including the author's abstracts by Alexander Churkin Sergei Aksakov's Memoirs and Autobiographical Prose: Poetic Issues (2013). The collections also present the writer's lifetime publications.