The Presidential Library to host the International Technological Forum "Russian Standards Week"

15 October 2021

On October 13-15, 2021, the Presidential Library (St. Petersburg, 3 Senate Square) hosts the International Technological Forum "Russian Standards Week", timed to coincide with World Standards Day.

Since 2019, the Presidential Library is an annual venue for discussing trends in the development of international, regional and national standardization, urgent issues of the standards development, new challenges and practices for technical regulation, tools and opportunities in standardization.

The Forum is attended by heads and representatives of federal authorities, international and foreign standardization institutes, major research and educational centres, and Russian industrial enterprises.

The Forum considers issues of standardization and sustainable development; the practice of involving international and national standards in management systems; facultative certification (quality assurance and consumer confidence).

The Forum hosted a solemn ceremony of awarding the laureates of the contest for the All-Russian Public Award "Standardizer of the Year".

The Forum's organizer is the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (Rosstandart).