The second season of The Golden Key project launched in the Novosibirsk regional center of the Presidential Library

5 October 2021

The organization of intellectual leisure of citizens, especially schoolchildren and students, is one of the most important tasks of the Novosibirsk regional center of the Presidential Library. The electronic reading room of the Presidential Library, located in the Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library regularly holds intellectual events and thematic quizzes, questions of which are created according to the documents from the collections of the Presidential Library and the main library of Novosibirsk Region.

A series of online events on Russian history and culture The Golden Key reveals facts about various events and famous personalities, stimulates interest in an independent process of acquiring new knowledge. The motto of the series is “If you didn’t know - you will know!”.

The second season of The Golden Key, launched on September 29, 2021, is held within the framework of the Historical Laboratory project. From September to November, every last Wednesday of the month, intellectual competitions are held on the project page dedicated to memorable dates in Russian history, culture and literature. During the month, events will be available on the themes Tanya Savicheva's Diary, Siege Works of Vera Inber: The Soul of Leningrad, Pulkovo Meridian and Leningrad Diary by Olga Bergholz. On October 27, events will begin to mark the 300th anniversary of the proclamation of Russia as an empire.

The project is intended for students of several age categories: grades 5-6, grades 7-8, grades 9-11 and students of secondary specialized educational institutions. Assignments developed for each age are posted on the platform; those wishing to take part can prepare according to the lists of recommended literature from the Presidential Library’s collections.

The participation is individual, collective (a team of no more than 6 people), as well as family. Those who answered all the questions receive a Participant Certificate, and those who have collected the maximum number of points based on the results of a series of events receive a Winner's Diploma and memorable souvenirs from the organizer.

In continuation of the current topic of intellectual events, the Presidential Library provides opportunity to learn about the Collection of digitized archival documents, film and photo materials World War II in Archival Documents. September 3, 2021 more than 3.5 thousand digitized archival documents, film and photo materials starting September 1, 1939 - June 22, 1941 provided from 8 federal archives (Russian State Military Archives, Russian State Archives of Social and Political History, Russian State Archives of Contemporary History, State Archives of the Russian Federation, Russian State Archives of Economy, Russian State Archives of Film and Photo Documents, Russian State Naval Archives, Russian State Archives in Samara), institutional archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defence, the Federal Security Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, as well as state archives of Belarus) entered the Collection.