The Presidential Library to attend the IX All-Russian Forum of Public Libraries

12 November 2021

The Presidential Library is one of the organizers of the IX All-Russian Forum of Public Libraries Modernization of Municipal Libraries in the Strategy for the Development of Librarianship of the Russian Federation, which will be held on November 12-13, 2021 in St. Petersburg at the National Library of Russia. The Forum is organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the National Library of Russia, the Russian State Library and the Russian Library Association.

The organizing committee of the Forum is headed by Olga Sergeevna Yarilova, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.

The Forum has the status of a strategic communication platform for the national project Culture.

The plenary session of the Forum is dedicated to the topic Central Libraries of Municipalities in the National Project Culture: Best Practices, Results and Prospects for Renewal and will be held on November 12, 2021.

The program on November 12 also includes a discussion Book as a Diagnosis with the participation of prominent figures in science and culture, heads of Russian and foreign national libraries.

A round table meeting Model Libraries Foundations: Formation, Study, Promotion is scheduled the next day on November 13,

Within the framework of the event, the awards ceremony for the winners of the All-Russian contest Librarian of the Year - 2021 and the All-Russian contest The Golden Shelf: Formation of Model Libraries Collections will take place.

Throughout the Forum, on November 12-13, there will be held an exhibition of publishing products, new information technologies, goods and services Library Context - 2021.

The Forum will be held in accordance with the epidemiological restrictions established by the authorities of St. Petersburg. Full-time participation up to 40 people is expected. All Forum events will be broadcast live.

More information is available on the website of the All-Russian Forum of Public Libraries: